This website is prepared and displayed in accordance with Regulation No 8/1999. (III.22.) of the Hungarian Bar. The website is maintained by Bozzay & Partners Law Office, a legal firm admitted to the Budapest Bar in accordance with the rules and regulations for attorneys-at-law. These rules and regulations can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar ( and the Budapest Bar (, which also provides information on clients’ rights as regards Hungarian law firms.
Recommendation No 2/2001 (IX.3.) of the Hungarian Bar, on the content of the websites of attorneys-at-law, does not allow firms to identify or reveal other information about, their clients.
The content of the present website shall not be deemed to provide legal advice or as an offer of legal services. Its only purpose is to introduce Bozzay & Partners Law Office to the person accessing the website.
The entire content of the present website is the intellectual property of Bozzay & Partners Law Office and is protected by governing Hungarian intellectual property laws. The information or texts displayed on the website, in whole or in part, shall be published and used by third persons only with the prior approval of the Managing Partner of Bozzay & Partners Law Office.